So much great tips! I am definitely planing on looking at foliage in the breaks. Listening to a story in the long hours is life saving. My best method till now is to make a really detailed to do list for the week on Sunday. ,eat the frogs’ 🐸 it includes 3 not that enjoyable tasks. Every day has 3 important tasks. The rest is background. Thursday is a walk in the park task day. I am super produktive when I have this written on a paper. 🙂 if something unexpected happens (really always) I am trying to do 3 simple things from the to do list. So I feel prolific.

Thank you for the wonderful post

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So glad you liked it Juliana - writing down your tasks and crossing them off is *such* a good idea. I'm going to try and do that from now on, thanks :)

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Great tips, I must check out that 25/5 minute working method!

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You definitely should! If my attention span is very low then I do 10/5 😆

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Love these tips! I found the tiny dog in the grass! And how cool that looking at grass will help you be productive. Also, thanks for the book rec. Always adding stuff to my list!

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So glad you liked it jen! Yeah recommend me some books too!

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